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Mombasa Club Colonel’s Reserve Gin 700mL
- Single Item
- Limited Edition London Dry Gin in 1 ceramic bottle
- 43.5% alc./vol.
- Made from specially selected herbs, spices, and citrus peels
- Product of the UK
Actual Weight: 1.35 KGs
Product Dimensions: 6 x 4.5 x 9.5
Product Details +
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Mombasa Club Colonel’s Reserve Gin is clear and clean and got nothing to hide with its specially selected herbs, spices, and citrus peels, combined with mandatory juniper berries that bring a harmonious finish. Every sip brings you enhanced aromas from exotic botanicals which marry in a subtle and harmonious manner.
So, welcome to the club of Mombasa Club Colonel’s Reserve Gin. This right here is the new life of the party where you can get zested up all night, pleasantly buzzed – the gin that is made for you and your friends best shared on-ice or mixed with lemon-lime soda.
This Gin stays fine for years. As long as your bottle of Mombasa Club Colonel’s Reserve Gin, is unopened, it can sit in the cabinet for years. But don’t let it collect dust in there forever, pop it open and have a drink right away.