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Gekkeikan Sake 1.8L
- Single Item
- Japanese Sake in 1 glass bottle
- 14.4% alc./vol.
- Herbaceous with hints of grapefruit and a light earthiness
- Product of Japan
Actual Weight: 2.72 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4 x 4 x 15
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Okay, time out on local and western liquor that we’ve all gotten so used to. Let’s have a moment of calm and drink the way our Japanese brothers and sisters do with Gekkeikan Sake. Blessed under the heavens, this sake features with hints of grapefruit and a light earthiness. Every sip is well-balanced with a clean, medium finish.
Now, you and your buddies behave, sit ‘seiza,’ be on your most prim decorum, and sip on Gekkeikan Sake – we recommend it best with tempura, full flavored fish and shellfish, fresh green vegetable dishes, and coconut-based Asian dishes.
Sake stays fine for years, and its shelf life is basically indefinite. With proper care, an unopened bottle can sit in the cabinet for years.