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Auchentoshan Aged 18 Years Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700mL
- Single Item
- Scotch Whisky in 1 packaging
- 43% Alcohol Volume
- Fine bourbon oak casks
- Product of Scotland
Actual Weight: 1.42 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4 x 3 x 12
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Auchentoshan is known for one thing: triple distilling methodical maturing process to make the smoothest, complex Scotchy Whisky.
Enjoy an 18-year-old highest-quality Scotch Whisky that smells fresh tobacco leaf with some hints of caramelized sugar, green tea, and almonds.
With an overflowing mixed taste of floral freshness and a burst of sweet barley.
Celebrate your life with Auchentoshan Aged 18 Years Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky!
Consume once open for best taste.
Opened whiskey has a shelf life of between six months and two years.