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Meltique Beef Australian Marbled Beef Saikoro Cubes 1kg
- Single Item
- Saikoro Cubes in 1 box
- Fresh and uncooked
- Perfect for your sumptuous meal at home
- Product of Australia
Actual Weight: 1.17 KGs
Product Dimensions: 10.3 x 2.4 x 7.5
Product Details +
Specifications +
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After a long tiring day, you really deserve a sumptuous dinner with Meltique Beef Australian Marbled Beef Saikoro Cubes. You can already tell its difference from any other meat selections out there. Meltique Meat are sourced from the healthiest and well-bred cattle. You can see it from the formation of its exquisitely marbled lines.
It’s a true delight to the palate when cooked in your preferred style. Whether grilled, smoked or marinated and fried, it’s the meat for every season. Pair it with your beer and newly-cooked rice and you’ll have a delightful meal in no time. Get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
We GUARANTEE FRESHNESS and QUALITY satisfaction with this product, and that it will be delivered with any applicable use by, sell by, best by or expiration dates.
Cook and consume upon opening.
Keep refrigerated.
Shelf life may last to 1-2 days if kept chilled and refrigerated.