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Bounty Fresh Saucy Tori Wings Honey Garlic 450g
- Single Item
- Ready-to-cook Tori Wings in 1 pack
- Made of 100% All Natural Chicken
- Honey Garlic Flavor
- Rich in protein
Actual Weight: 0.64 KGs
Product Dimensions: 8 x 2 x 12
Product Details +
Specifications +
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In need of a protein fix real quick but got no time for extended preparations? A pack of can of Bounty Fresh Saucy Tori Wings Honey Garlic is the answer! These Tori chicken chunks pack enough for your protein macro needs – almost 14g of protein in every serving! That’s a protein junkie’s snack or meal dream! And they’re delectably Honey garlic flavored to boot!
It’s time to level the playing field in terms of your quick, on-the-go protein needs. Stock on Bounty Fresh Saucy Tori Wings Honey Garlic and always come prepared when the protein-specific hunger pangs rush in!
Keep frozen when not yet ready to cook.
All cooking instructions are for guidance only, please adjust to your own equipment.