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Bambi Cheese Sticks Jalapeno Party Pack 650g
- Multi-pack (48 sticks)
- Frozen Jalapeno flavored cheese sticks in 1 packaging
- Made with Premium Jalapeno
- Creamy and savory cheese inside
- Product of the Philippines
Actual Weight: 0.64 KGs
Product Dimensions: 8 x 1 x 10
Product Details +
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Try a new snack when you feel adventurous with Bambi Cheese Sticks. This isn't your usual cheese stick, because Bambi has developed a very special treat for everyone. Their cheese sticks are made with premium Jalapeno inside, so every bite has a small powerful kick to it!
The after taste of the Jalapeno that lingers in your mouth is well-complemented by the savory and creamy cheese that melts in your mouth. The silky cheese and the crunchy wrapper, plus the slight chili kick is a true ensemble of flavors. Pair it with your favorite cold beverage and you will have a wonderful snack! Get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
Consume upon opening.
Store in a dry, cool place.
Shelf life may last up to 4 weeks if stored in a favorable area or refrigerated and unopened. Store inside a tightly sealed container