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Califia Cafe Latte Cold Brew with Almond Milk 1.42L
- Single Item
- Cafe Latte in 1 bottle
- Direct and Ethical Trade Coffee
- 100% Arabica Coffee
- Vegan- and Kosher-Approved
Actual Weight: 1.52 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4.5 x 3 x 10.3
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Be the diva of the par-tay with Califia Cafe Latte Cold Brew with Almond Milk. What other ready-to-drink coffee uses 100% Arabica coffee beans, Kosher-certified, non-GMO verified, BPA-, carrageenan-, and gluten-free? That's a lot to unpack, right? With Califia Cafe Latte Cold Brew with Almond Milk you get high quality coffee without the guilt. Califia Farms ethically and directly trades coffee with local farmers.
Califia Cafe Latte Cold Brew with Almond Milk is the better coffee we deserve. We know it's the best, and now you know too.
We ensure you that it's Always Fresh and Delivered Daily. We guarantee the FRESHNESS and QUALITY satisfaction of this product. We'll make sure to deliver it right at your doorstep with any applicable use by, sell by, best by, or expiration dates.