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Arla Unsalted Butter 400g
- Single Item
- Unsalted Butter in 1 packaging
- Creamy and savory
- Perfect for your cooked and baked meals
- Product of Denmark
Actual Weight: 0.5 KGs
Product Dimensions: 5 x 1.8 x 3
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Make our dishes taste more outstanding and notable when you mix Arla Unsalted Butter with them. This creamy delightful treat is going to be your new kitchen companion as it enhances the taste and flavors of your cooked and baked dishes. However you want it, just simply spike some Arla Unsalted Butter with it and voila! You will be able to emphasize the rich flavors of your dish.
Try it with your baked lasagna, cakes, and even with your favorite simple morning toasts. Arla, your trusted household cooking brand, will always satisfy and deliver. Get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
We GUARANTEE FRESHNESS and QUALITY satisfaction with this product, and that it will be delivered with any applicable use by, sell by, best by or expiration dates.
Consume upon opening.
Keep refrigerated.
Shelf life may last to 6-9 months if kept chilled and refrigerated.
Warning: contains dairy.