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Omron Forehead Thermometer MC720 1 set
- Single Item
- Electronic Thermometer in 1 box
- Fast non-contact forehead temperature measurement for all ages
- Ergonomic, easy-to-hold design
- 3-in-1 measurement: Forehead, Room, and Surface temperature
Actual Weight: 0.23 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4.72 x 2.75 x 8.07
Product Details +
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Paranoid to check your own temperature from time to time, especially with this ongoing pandemic? It pays well to be safe, sure, and just the thought of knowing what you’re feeling every time! Omron MC720 Forehead Thermometer provides fast touchless forehead temperature measurement for all ages, including infants and young children. It features 3 measurement modes for body, room, and surface temp, making it useful for any instant one-second reading purpose you need!
Gone are thermometer stick days, where you’d have to stick it up your pits and all. That just takes too long to measure, eh? Embrace the new normal and use Omron MC720 Forehead Thermometer!
Keep out of reach of children.