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Green Cross Ethyl Alcohol 3500mL
- Single Item
- Alcohol in 1 plastic bottle
- Antiseptic and Disinfectant
- Hypoallergenic
- 70% Solution
Actual Weight: 3.24 KGs
Product Dimensions: 6.25 x 6.25 x 11.75
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Tired of being scared all the time with every bacteria you encounter?
Say hello to a well-secured life by disinfecting and sanitizing yourself and your belongings with Green Cross Ethyl Alcohol.
And say goodbye to unnecessary bacteria and viruses as you improve your hygiene with each drop.
For external use only. Do not ingest. Avoid contact with eyes. Keep away from children. Consume upon opening. Store in a dry, cool place. Store inside a tightly sealed container. Check expiration date before consuming.