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Arla Cheesy Cheddar Spread 500g
- Single Item
- Cheddar Spread in a glass jar
- Contains Calcium & Vitamin A
- Made from 75% cream cheese and 25% cheese with vegetable oil
- Best for your morning sandwiches or for your snacks
Actual Weight: 0.8 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4.33 x 4.33 x 4.33
Product Details +
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Power up in the morning with a jampacked breakfast that’s Vitamin A and Calcium rich! In every bottle of Arla Cheesy Cheddar Spread, it’s not just the cheesy goodness that you can take home with you, but also the strength that you can get from your daily dairy source! Make your body healthy and your bones strong with every spread of this creamy and silky cheese.
It has the full and generous flavors of your known cheddar cheese! Spread it on your sandwich or you can even use it for your dishes to make them dreamier and creamier. Get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
Consume upon opening.
Store in a dry, cool place.
Shelf life may last up to 4 months if stored in a favorable area or refrigerated and unopened. Store inside a tightly sealed container.