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Blue Bunny Ribbon Classics Neapolitan Ice Cream 3.78L
- Single Item
- Ice Cream in 1 tub
- Fat reduced ice cream 25% from regular ice cream
- Neapolitan Flavor
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 2.13 KGs
Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 7.5 x 6
Product Details +
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They say never judge a book by its cover. Well, Blue Bunny Ribbon Classics Neapolitan Ice Cream is a different story entirely as its all these three flavors are bookened together to make one freezing good tub of Neapolitan delight. It features that perfect Neapolitan flavors ratio, making each bite a good thing on top of another.
We know by just seeing a pack of Blue Bunny Neapolitan, you can’t wait to dig in and have a heaping scoop to your dessert cup! Same here, fam. Same here! Grab your tub of Blue Bunny Ribbon Classics Neapolitan Ice Cream now!
Allergen Information: Contains milk.