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Paulaner Hefe-Weizen Munich Wheat Beer 5L
- Single Item
- Beer in 1 tin keg
- 5.5% alcohol per volume
- Uniform, slightly cloudy appearance, consistent quality, and perfect taste
- Product of Germany
Actual Weight: 5.6 KGs
Product Dimensions: 6.5 x 6.5 x 10
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Two men walk into a bar. They order the usual lager; one downed his drink quickly, the other one slowly savored his. Second guy died as the rocks on both drinks were poisoned. Does drinking need to be that tragic? Nein! We’ll like you to savor beer with Paulaner Hefe-Weizen Munich Wheat Beer! It comes in a huge keg of 5 liters, so you can savor the beer flowing from the land of Germany itself.
Hefe-Weizen is one of the first lager beers ever brewed in Munich in 1895: mild, malty flavor and an irresistibly mild sweetness–enjoy over an ice-cold pint with your favorite drinking buddies!
Store upright in a cool, dark place with a constant temperature. Drink it within a few hours of opening for peak taste and carbonation.