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Murphy's Irish Stout Beer 4 cans
- Multi-pack (4 counts)
- Irish Stout Beer, 500mL each can in 1 packaging
- 4.0% alc. / vol.
- Malted barley, barley, hops, hops extract
- Product of Ireland
Actual Weight: 2.12 KGs
Product Dimensions: 5.11 x 5.51 x 7.48
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Suns out, guns out! Now, this is very well-made stout that could easily compete with the big guns as Guinness! Guinness who?! Murphy's Irish Stout Beer a slightly sweeter yet full-bodied stout that’s enjoyable down to a tee. This beer contains a floating widget that releases nitrogen and a tiny amount of beer – pop the can, burst the fun! Once you hold it up your nose, aromas of toffee and roasted grain suddenly gush forth, and the light nutty and chocolate flavors follow through!
Sit back, relax, and enjoy your cold beer in can fresh from the finest brewery in Ireland. Get your Murphy's Irish Stout beer now and chill out with some buddies – there are enough cans here to pass around!
Murphy’s stout, porters, and heavier beers similar to this one is good for up to 180 days.