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Chang Lager Beer Classic 6 bottles
- Single Item
- Beer in 1 bottle
- 4.8% Alcohol Volume
- Made from fine quality malt, rice and hop, with natural water, and selected yeast
- Product of Thailand
Actual Weight: 3.86 KGs
Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 5 x 9.5
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It's party time! Prepare nachos, burger, pizzas, and fries.
It wouldn't be called a party without drinks, right?
Here's Chang Lager Beer Classic.
A beer created only with the freshest malted barley that is imported from the finest fields in Europe and USA that gives the beer its full-bodied flavor and light golden appearance and hops that brings its bitter, floral and citrus notes.
Its global standard quality in terms of its smoky, herby and fruity aromas makes Chang, the finest beer in Thailand.
Store upright in a cool, dark place with a constant temperature. Drink it within a few hours of opening for peak taste and carbonation.