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Balconi Wafers Cubi Cacao 250g
- Single Item
- Cube Wafers in 1 packaging
- Made with premium quality ingredients
- Wafers with cocoa filling
- Product of Italy
Actual Weight: 0.26 KGs
Product Dimensions: 6 x 3 x 9
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Are you craving for some wafers right now? How about cube wafers with cocoa filling, will that do? Of course, it will, especially when it’s Balconi Wafers Cubi Cacao! It’s everything a cube wafer snack should be: bigger than usual-sized square wafers, ample-enough cocoa filling, and the most satisfying crunch with every bite.
So, grab a pack of Balconi Wafers Cubi Cacao now and experience wafers, made with the best ingredients, guaranteeing a treat you and the whole family can enjoy!
Oh, and make it quick! Stocks don’t last that long because of how crazy good Balconi Wafers are!
Consume upon opening. Close bag when not in use to maintain freshness. Keep in a cool, dry place.