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Scott Shop Original Multi-Purpose Towel 55 towels
- Multi-pack (55 pieces)
- Multi-Purpose Towel in 1 plastic packaging
- Absorbs oil and grease
- Strong even when wet
- Handy and durable
Actual Weight: 0.33 GM
Product Dimensions: 4 x 4 x 11.02
Product Details +
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Be like Mr. Scott when it comes to cleaning every stain, oil or grease you see around the house, garage or inside the car with Scott Shop Original Multi-Purpose Towel. Scott Shop has just 55 too many towels for every inconceivable mess in the house: one for food, one for specialty areas, one for general use – you name it and we’ll wipe it. These towels are especially strong even when wet, making it a very handy and durable companion for your cleaning needs around the house.
All it takes is a single wipe-right and you’re Gucci! Spotless surfaces all around! Make wiping and cleaning surfaces easy everyday with Scott Shop Original Multi-Purpose Towel!
Plastic wrap container and towels can be dangerous. To avoid danger of suffocation, keep them away from babies and children.