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Samsonite Memory Foam plus Cooling Gel Contoured Seat Cushion 1pc
- Single Item
- Contoured Seat Cushion in 1 packaging
- Memory foam + Cooling gel Technology
- Breathable cover with 3 layers of comfort
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 0.94 KGs
Product Dimensions: 18.11 x 1.57 x 17
Product Details +
Specifications +
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The kids (or your friends) requesting for another out-of-town drive on the weekend again? It’s all fun and games, chit-chat, happy memories for them on the back seat until you feel the strain on your bum from driving for hours on end. Great! Worry not, we’ll hold you... there with Samsonite Contoured Seat Cushion. The memory foam keeps you comfortable and cozy fluff for the long drive, while the cooling tech minimizes heat and sweat from long hours of sitting in driver’s seat.
Now those long-drive plans won’t feel like a bummer anymore – slouch, seated properly, upright, it doesn’t matter. Samsonite Contoured Seat Cushion’s is in it for the long drive with you and the whole family trip.
Cover only. Hand was cold. Do not bleach. Hang or Air Dry.
Important: This product can expose you to chemicals including Polybrominated biphenyls which may cause cancer.