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Motul H-tech 100 Motor Oil 1L
- Single Item
- Motor Oil in 1 bottle
- 100% synthetic
- Provides stability in oxidation in engines
- With outstanding anti-wear properties
Actual Weight: 0.94 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4.5 x 2.5 x 8
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Rev your engines up and make sure they are completely efficient when you use Motul H-Tech 100 Motor Oil. This Oil has the capability to make your engines reach their maximum capacity without wearing them off. It also has this ultra-stabilizing properties for efficient oxidation of your engines.
Try it with your motors, see and feel the difference in every ride! What are you waiting for? Get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
Keep away from children.
Avoid contact with eyes.
Harmful when swallowed. If accidents occur, rinse with water thoroughly. If symptoms persist, consult your trusted physician.
Do not mix with other liquid solution.
Keep away from source of fire.