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Welch's Concord Grape Jelly 850g
- Single Item
- Grape Jelly in 1 plastic bottle
- No Artificial Flavor and Colors
- 100% of profit goes to our farmers
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 0.9 KGs
Product Dimensions: 3.54 x 3.54 x 6
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Make your dishes elevated with Welch's Concord Grape Jelly! It’s a new grape twist that gives you that sweet and tangy taste that everyone will definitely love. Whether kids or kids-at-heart, Welch's Concord Grape Jelly is a delight to everyone's palate.
Made with pure grape flavor, this jelly is best paired with your toasts, pancakes, and even your cooked meals. Try it now and get that Welch's experience. Order yours at S&R Membership Shopping.
Consume upon opening.
If stored properly under stable and secured area, shelf life may last up to 2 years.