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Jack Link’s Original Beef Jerky 92g
- Single Item
- Ready-to-eat beef jerky snack in 1 packaging
- Slow-cooked and hardwood smoked
- 11g of protein and 80 calories per serving
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 0.1 KGs
Product Dimensions: 7.08 x 0.39 x 8
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Jack Link’s Original Beef Jerky is not about just any tasty beef jerky – there’s tradition too! The family-owned company has been creating the highest-quality meat, crafting and seasoning it to create the time-honored recipes that have been passed down by family tradition for generations. Jack Link’s Beef Jerky gives you the great taste of beef jerky minus the sugar. Jack Link’s has taken the ancient up to the modern ways of snacking on meat to a delicious level – by creating the timeless flavor that puts it back on the map.
So, take with you Jack Link’s Beef Jerky anywhere as it’s ready to be eaten whenever or wherever you go!
After opening, refrigerate or use within three days. Packet enclosed to keep product fresh. Do not eat packet.