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Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Chocolate Fudge Brownie Chocolate Flavor 473mL
- Single Item
- Chocolate Ice Cream in 1 ice cream pint
- Made with fudge brownies
- Creamy and smooth, best served chilled
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 0.45 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4 x 4 x 4.1
Product Details +
Specifications +
Reviews (0) +
You know what they say, a serving of ice cream can make your sadness go away. So go forth and ransack you nearest S&R Membership Shopping and avail Ben & Jerry’s Choco Fudge Brownie Ice Cream. Each pint contains a creamy rich chocolate surprise with chewy fudge brownies.
In every bite, your mouth will be enveloped in a deep luscious chocolatey feel that you will really like. Indulge in this awesome ice cream dessert that you can only get at S&R Membership Shopping. Enjoy it while watching your favorite film and television shows. Let’s cream for Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream!
We GUARANTEE FRESHNESS and QUALITY satisfaction with this product, and that it will be delivered with any applicable use by, sell by, best by or expiration dates.
Consume upon opening.
Keep refrigerated.
Shelf life may last to 2-3 months if kept chilled and refrigerated.
Warning: contains dairy